Don Saari, economics Distinguished Professor and Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences director, is quoted in The Wall Street Journal August 12, 2012
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor’s professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in the Washington Times August 10, 2012
Jan Brueckner, economics professor and department chair, is quoted in the LA Times August 7, 2012
Social sciences undergrads among those honored with inaugural Chancellor’s Award of Distinction
David Neumark, economics Chancellor's professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio July 12, 2012
A study by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in the Newbury Port News July 9, 2012
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in the Columbia Daily Tribune June 23, 2012
Research by Priya Ranjan, economics professor, is featured in the India Times June 25, 2012
Jan Brueckner, economics professor and department chair, is interviewed by 89.3 KPCC May 31, 2012
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