Guillaume Rocheteau, Lu Wang (2023). Endogenous liquidity and volatility. Journal of Economic Theory, 210, 105652.

Kangoh Lee, Russell Leonard. (2023). High-speed internet access and diffusion of new technologies in nonmetro areas, Telecommunications Policy, 47( 9), 102620.

Chi, Y., Hao, W., Hu, J., & Ran, Z. (2023). An empirical investigation on risk factors in cryptocurrency futures. Journal of Futures Markets, 43(8), 1161-1180.

Freedman, M., Khanna, S.*, and Neumark, D. (2023). JUE Insight: The Impact of Opportunity Zones on Zone Residents. Journal of Urban Economics, 133:103407.

Freedman, M., Khanna, S.*, and Neumark, D. (2023). Combining Rules and Discretion in Economic Development Policy: Evidence on the Impacts of the California Compete Program. Journal of Public Economics, 217, 104777.

Ladd, Daniel, and David Neumark, 2023. “Workplace Injuries and Receipt of Benefits from Workers’ Compensation and SSDI,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, pp. 261-70.

Neumark, David, and Maysen Yen, 2023. “The Employment and Redistributive Effects of Reducing or Eliminating Minimum Wage Tip Credits,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, pp. 1092-1116.

Freedman, Matthew, Shantanu Khanna, and David Neumark, 2023. “The Impacts of Opportunity Zones on Zone Residents,” Journal of Urban Economics: Insights, 103407.

Burn, Ian, Daniel Firoozi, Daniel Ladd, and David Neumark, 2023. “Stereotypes of Older Workers and Perceived Ageism in Job Ads: Evidence from an Experiment,” Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, pp. 463-89.

Freedman, Matthew, Shantanu Khanna, and David Neumark, 2023. “Combining Rules and Discretion in Economic Development Policy: Evidence on the Impacts of the California Competes Tax Credit,” Journal of Public Economics, 104777.

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Chao Gu, Randall Wright and Lu Wang., 2023. “Intermediaries, Inventories and Endogenous Dynamics in Frictional Markets”




Freedman, M., Kim, Y.* 2022. Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Expanding Cash Welfare. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 41(3): 859-890.

Freedman, M., Owens, E., and Christopher, D.* 2022. The Geography of Crime and Policing. In A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime, Eds. P. Buonanno, P. Vanin, and J. Vargas, Edward Elgar, ISBN: 978 1 78990 932 6.

Neumark, David, and Peter Shirley, 2022. “Myth of Measurement: What Does the New Minimum Wage Research Say about Minimum Wages and Job Loss in the United States?,” Industrial Relations, pp. 384-417.

Burn, Ian, Patrick Button, David Neumark, and Luis Felipe Munguia Corella, 2022. “Does Ageist Language in Job Ads Predict Age Discrimination in Hiring?” Journal of Labor Economics, pp. 613-667.

Neumark, David, and Maysen Yen, 2022. “Effects of Recent Minimum Wage Policies in California and Nationwide: Results from a Pre-specific Analysis Plan,” Industrial Relations, pp. 228-55.





Ridinger G, McBride, M, 2020. Reciprocity in games with unknown types. In Capra M, Croson R, Rigdon M, Rosenblatt T, des., Handbook of Experimental Game theory, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Nehiba, Cody, 2020. "Taxed to Death? Freight Truck Collision Externalities and Diesel Taxes" Regional Science and Urban Economics, 85.

Luttmann, Alexander and Nehiba, Cody, 2020. "The Effects of Employee Hours-of-Service Regulations on the U.S. Airline Industry" Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(4):1043-1075.

Neumark, David, Brian Asquith, and Brittany Bass, 2020, "Longer-Run Effects of Anti-Poverty Policies on Disadvantaged Neighborhoods," Contemporary Economic Policy, pp. 409-434.

Neumark, David, and Peter Shirley, 2020, "The Long-Run Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Women's Earnings," Labour Economics., Vol. 66.

Neumark, David, and Katherine Williams, 2020, "Do State Earned Income Tax Credits Increase Program Participation at the Federal Level?" Public Finance Review, pp. 579-626

Yang, Eyra. 2020. "Optimism and Pessimism in Bargaining and Contests" International Review of Law and Economics, 105935.

Barkowski, Scott 2020. "Does Government Health Insurance Reduce Job Lock and Job Push?" Southern Economic Journal 87(1): 122-169.

Barkowski, Scott, Joanne Song McLaughlin, and Alex Ray. (2020) "A Reevaluation of the Effects of State and ACA Dependent Coverage Mandates on Health Insurance Coverage." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 39(3): 629-663.

He, Qiwei, and Scott Barkowski. (2020) "The Effect of Health Insurance on Crime: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion." Health Economics 29 (3): 261–77.

Lebeau, Lucie, 2020. Credit frictions and participation in over-the-counter markets. Journal of Economic Theory, 189.

Rocheteau, G., Hu, T.W., Lebeau, L. and In, Y., 2020. Gradual bargaining in decentralized asset markets. Review of Economic Dynamics, forthcoming.

Testa, Patrick A., 2020. Shocks and the spatial distribution of economic activity: The role of institutions. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Neumark, David and Maysen Yen. 2020. "Relative Sizes of Age Cohorts and Labor Force Participation of Older Workers," Demography 57(1): 1-31.




Moon, Byunggeor. 2019. "The Effect of FAR (Floor Area Ratio) Regulations on Land Values: The Case of New York," Papers in Regional Science 98(6): 2343-2354.

Khordagui, Nagwa. 2019. "Parking Prices and the Decision to Drive to Work: Evidence from California." Transportation Research Part A 130: 479-495.

Asquith, Brian, Sanjana Goswami, David Neumark, and Antonio Rodriquez-Lopez, 2019, "U.S. Job Flows and the 'China Shock'," Journal of International Economics, pp. 123-37.

Neumark, David, Ian Burn, and Patrick Button, 2019, "Is It Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment," Journal of Political Economy, 922-70.

Neumark, David, Ian Burn, Patrick Button, and Nanneh Chehras, 2019, "Do State Laws Protecting Older Workers from Discrimination Reduce Age Discrimination in Hiring? Evidence from a Field Experiment," Journal of Law and Economics, pp. 373-402

Neumark, David, and Maysen Yen, 2019, "Relative Sizes of Age Cohorts and Labor Force Participation of Older Workers," Demography, pp. 1-31.

Neumark, David, and Timothy Young, 2019, "Enterprise Zones and Poverty: Resolving Conflicting Evidence," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 78.

Luttmann, Alexander. 2019. "Evidence of directional price discrimination in the U.S. airline industry." International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62, 291-329.

Luttmann, Alexander. 2019. "Are passengers compensated for incurring an airport layover? Estimating the value of layover time in the U.S. airline industry." Economics of Transportation, 17, 1-13.

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Morales, Kendrick, Prosper Raynold and Jing Li 2018, "The Empirical Relationship between Commitment Enhancement Devices and Terrorism," Applied Economics 50: 5366-5380.

Button, Patrick. 2018. "A Replication of 'Do Voters Affect or Elect Policies? Evidence from the U.S. House' (The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2004)." Public Finance Review, 46(5): 886-93.

Button, Patrick. 2018. "Expanding Employment Discrimination Protections for Individuals with Disabilities: Evidence from California" Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 71(2): 365-93.

Button, Patrick. 2018 "Can Tax Incentives Create a Local Film Industry? Evidence from Louisiana and New Mexico." Forthcoming in the Journal of Urban Affairs.

Neumark, David, Burn, Ian and Button, Patrick 2018. "Is it Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment ." Forthcoming in the Journal of Political Economy.

Moon, Byunggeor. 2018. "Housing investment, default risk, and expectations: Focusing on the chonsei market in Korea." Regional Science and Urban Economics, 71, 80-90.

Nehiba, Cody. 2018. "Give me 3': Do minimum distance passing laws reduce bicyclist fatalities?" Economics of Transportation, 14, 9-20.

Testa, P. A. 2018. Education and propaganda: Tradeoffs to public education provision in nondemocracies. Journal of public economics, 160, 66-81.




Bajaj, A., Hu, T. W., Rocheteau, G., & Silva, M. R. (2017). Decentralizing constrained-efficient allocations in the Lagos–Wright pure currency economy. Journal of Economic Theory, 167, 1-13.

Neumark, D., Song, J., & Button, P. (2017). Does Protecting Older Workers from Discrimination Make It Harder to Get Hired? Evidence from Disability Discrimination Laws. Research on Aging, 39(1), 29-63.

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Neumark, David, Burn, Ian and Button, Patrick. (2016). "Experimental Age Discrimination Evidence and the Heckman Critique." American Economic Review, 106(5): 303-08.

Charalampidis Nikolaos(2016), ''The National Wealth--Income Ratio in Greece, 1974-2013'', The Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming,

Elias, C. J. (2016). "Asset pricing with expectation shocks," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 65, 68-82.

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Jackson, K. (2016). "Do land use regulations stifle residential development? Evidence from California cities," Journal of Urban Economics, 91, 45-56.

Jackson, K. (2016). "The effect of social information on giving from lapsed donors: Evidence from a field experiment," Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 27, 920-940.

Ridinger, G., John, R.S., McBride, M., Scurich, N. (2016) "Attacker Deterrence and Perceived Risk in a Stackelberg Security Game," Risk Analysis, forthcoming.

David Neumark & Jennifer Muz, (2016). "The "Business Climate" and Economic Inequality," Review of Income and Wealth, vol 62(1), pages 161-180.

Neumark, David, Joanne Song, and Patrick Button. 2016."Does Protecting Older Workers from Discrimination Make It Harder to Get Hired? Evidence from Disability Discrimination Laws." Forthcoming in Research on Aging

Tsai, P. H. C. (2016). "Fiscal Incentives and Political Budget Cycles in China," International Tax and Public Finance.

Jeliazkov, I. and A. Vossmeyer (2016), "The Impact of Estimation Uncertainty on Covariate Effects in Nonlinear Models," Statistical Papers, forthcoming.

Cathy Zhang and Sebastien Lotz (2016). Money and Credit as Means of Payment: A New Monetarist Approach. Journal of Economic Theory 164, 68-100

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Rahman, M. A. (2015) "Bayesian Quantile Regression for Ordinal Models," Bayesian Analysis.

Ridinger, G., McBride, M. (2015) "Money affects theory of mind differently by gender," PLOS ONE 10(12): e0143973

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Vossmeyer, A. (2015).  “Sample Selection and Treatment Effect Estimation of Lender of Last Resort Policies,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, forthcoming. 

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Blake, A.A. and J.J. Lepore (2014). "Verifying Payoff Security in the Mixed Extension of Discontinuous Games," Journal of Economic Theory 152, 229-303. 

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Rajbhandari, A. (2014). "Transmission of news shocks in a small open economy DSGE model," International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, 5(1-2), 79-107. 

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