This major is for students seeking a business orientation in their study of economics. School requirements must be met and must include 20 courses as specified below.

  • Economics 20A-B. Basic Micro and Macroeconomics.
  • Economics 15A-B. Probability and Statistics.
  • Mathematics 2A-B. Calculus and Mathematics for Economists.
  • Economics 100A-B-C. Intermediate Micro and Macroeconomics.*
  • Economics 122A-B. Applied Econometrics I and II.
  • Seven additional Economics courses, including at least four four-unit upper-division courses.
  • Two of the electives must be selected from the following Business Electives list: Economics 125, 131A, 132A, 134A, 135, 142A-B, 149 (when the topic is Price Discrimination), 161A-B, and 167 (formerly 161C). Additional courses may be added to this list; up-to-date information will be available at this site
  • Two other electives must be selected from the following Management Electives list: Economics 115, 140, 147A, 147B, 148, 151A, 165. Additional courses may be added to this list; up-to-date information will be available at this site.

* Economics 100A-B-C and 105A-B-C may not both be taken for credit and are not considered interchangeable. For students who are interested in the major of Quantitative Economics but are not officially a declared major, you are advised to begin with Economics 105A.


Program Learning Outcomes

  • Understand comparative advantage.
  • Use supply and demand curves to analyze the impact of taxes etc. on consumer surplus and market efficiency.
  • Interpret estimates from linear regression models and use these models to test hypothesis and  make forecasts.
  • Be able to use standard software to carry out regression analyses with real data.
  • Understand how to evaluate macroeconomic conditions such as unemployment, inflation, and growth.
  • Understand how monetary policy and fiscal policy can be used to influence short-run macroeconomic conditions.
  • Understand basic accounting principles and how these relate to economic profit calculations.