- Spring 2010
- Winter 2010
- Fall 2009
- Spring 2009
- Winter 2009
- Fall 2008
- Spring 2008
- Winter 2008
- Fall 2007
- Spring 2007
- Winter 2007
- Fall 2006
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Spring 2010
Social Science Plaza B Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 3:30pm-5:00pm
“Child Gender and Parental Investments in India: Are Boys and Girls Treated Differently?”
“Unwilling or Unable to Cheat? Evidence from a Randomized Tax Audit Experiment in Denmark”
“The Signaling Value of a High School Diploma”
“Why Are Recessions Good for your Health? Understanding Procyclical Mortality”
“The Gorbachev Anti-Alcohol Campaign and Russia�s Mortality Crisis”
“The Effect of Immigration on Ethic Composition and Occupational Relocation”
“Intertemporal Substitution in Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Policy Discontinuities”
“The Effects of School Desegregation on Social Interactions: Evidence from Mixed-Race BirthsA”
“Vehicle Weight, Highway Safety, and Energy Policy”
“Inside the Refrigerator: Immigration Enforcement and Chilling Effects in Medicaid Particiaption”
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Winter 2010
Social Science Plaza B Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 3:30pm-5:00pm
“Switching Costs and Dynamic Price Competition in Network Industries”
“Identification of Time and Risk Preferences in Buy Price Auctions”
“Can Constant Treatment Effects Within Subgroup Explain Heterogeneity in Welfare Reform Effects?”
“Public-Place Smoking Laws and Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) in Public Places”
“Detecting Discrimination in Audit and Correspondence Studies”
“Incentives and Commitments for Exercise: Evidence from a Field Experiment at an On-site Corporate Fitness Center ”
“Trends of Job Stability in Japan”
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Fall 2009
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 3:30pm-5:00pm
“An Empirical Estimate of the Impact of Enterprise Zone Incentives On Commercial Property Values”
“The Impact of U.S. Family Planning Programs: Evidence from the War on Poverty and Title X”
“Do Minimum Wage Workers Favor the Minimum Wage?: Evidence from a Ballot Initiative”
“When Educators are the Learners: Social Learning and the Choice of Comprehensive School Reform Providers”
“Short-Run Subsidies and Long-Run Adoption of New Health Products: Evidence from a Field Experiment”
“Environmental Conditions and the Productivity of Agricultural Workers”
“Teacher Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from India”
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Spring 2009
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 3:30pm-5:00pm
“Employer Drug Screening and Employment Outcomes”
“A New Approach to Estimate the Effect of Family Size on Child Development”(with Jorge M. Aguero)
“Accountability and Vouchers in Florida”
“The Market Response to the Toy Recalls of 2007”(with Seth Freedman and Mara Lederman)
“School Entry, Educational Attainment and Quarter of Birth: A Cautionary Tale of LATE”(with Rashmi Barua)
“Policy and the Dynamics of Market Structure: The Critical Access Hospital Program”
“Family Violence and Football: Testing a Behavioral Model of Violent Crime”
“Aftershocks: The Impact of Clinic Violence on Abortion Services”(with Mireille Jacobson)
“Teacher Quality in Educational Production: Tracking, Decay, and Student Achievement”
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Winter 2009
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 2:00pm-3:20pm
“Physical Attractiveness and Social Interaction: Evidence from China”
“The Effects of Home Computers on Educational Outcomes: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Community College Students ”(with Rebecca Landon)
“Be as careful of the company you keep as of the books you read. Peer effects in education and on the labor market”
“Immigration and the level and composition of demand: a study of California establishments”(with David Neumark)
“Testing Theories of Scarcity Pricing and Price Dispersion in the Airline Industry”
“Do Enterprise Zones Create Jobs? Evidence from California's Enterprise Zone Program”(with Jed Kolko)
“Birth Rates and Border Crossings: The Demographic Push Behind Latin American Emigration”(w. Craig McIntosh)
“Jockeying for position: High School Student Mobility and Texas' top-ten percent rule”(with Mark Long and Randy Reback)
“How does entry regulation influence self-employment and employee reallocation? Evidence from German reunification”
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Fall 2008
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 2:00pm-3:20pm
“Parents' Incomes and Children's Outcomes: A Quasi-Experiment”
“Looking Beyond Test Score Gains: State Accountability�s Effect on the Differential Black-White Levels of Educational Attainment and Labor Market Outcomes”
“Does Traffic Congestion Reduce Employment Growth?”
“Consequences of an Aging Population: The Effect of Need for Care by Elderly Parents on Women's Labor Market Participation and Hours Worked”
“Sex and Science: How Professor Gender Perpetuates the Gender Gap”
“The Contributions of Labor Market Pooling and Transport Access to Intra-Urban Economies of Agglomeration”
“The Choice of Personal Income Tax Base”
“The Effect of Education on Adult Mortality and Health: Evidence from the United Kingdom”
“Long-Term Economic Consequences of Vietnam-Era Conscription: Schooling, Experience and Earnings”
“When Do Covariates Matter? And Which Ones, and How Much?"”
“How Drug R&D Alliances are Made? A Double-Sided Matching Model of Licensing Market in the Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Industry”
“The Dynamics of Children's Health Insurance, 1986-1999”
**Please note that this date falls on a Thursday.
*** Please note that this date falls on a Wednesday.
Seminar organized by Professor Francesca Mazzolari.
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Spring 2008
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 2:00pm-3:20pm
“Too Young to Leave the Nest? The Effect of School Starting Age”(with Paul Devereux and Kjell Salvanes)
“After Midnight: A Regression Discontinuity Design in Length of Postpartum Hospital Stays�”(with Douglas Almond)
“Growing up in bad times: Macroeconomic Volatility and the Formation of Beliefs ”
“Long-Run Impacts of Unions on Firms: New Evidence from Financial Markets, 1961-1999”
“Quasi-Wages and Income Pooling”
“The Pure Income Effect of Disability Cash Transfers: Evidence from the Department of Veterans' Affairs Disability Compensation Program”
“Education and the Age Profile of Literacy into Adulthood”
“The Impact of the Food Stamp Program on Infant Outcomes”
“Incentives and Altruistic Behavior: Evidence from Blood Donors”(with Nicola Lacetera)
**Please note that this date falls on a Thursday.
*** Please note that this date falls on a Wednesday.
Seminar organized by Professor Francesca Mazzolari.
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Winter 2008
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 2:00pm-3:20pm
“Housing Markets and Migration: Evidence from New Zealand”
**Please note that this date falls on a Thursday.
*** Please note that this date falls on a Wednesday.
Seminar organized by Professor Francesca Mazzolari.
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Fall 2007
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, Tuesday 2:00pm-3:20pm
“The Effects of Labor Market Rigidities on Firm's Innovative Behavior”
“Correcting for Seam Bias when Estimating Discrete Variable Models, with an Application to Analyzing the Employment Dynamics of Disadvantaged Women in the SIPP ”
“Analyzing Anti-Sprawl Policies in a Location Model with Congestion, Agglomeration Economies and Open Space”
“Beyond Incentives: Do Schools use Accountability Rewards Productively?”
“Decomposing Wage Distributions Using Recentered Influence Function Regressions”
“Differences in Obesity for Suburban and Central-City Environments”
“Housing Tenure Choice and the Dual Income Household”
“Decoding the GED Signal: The Role of Non-Cognitive Ability and Measurement Error”
“Residential Location, Work Location, and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants In Israel.”(with Chemi Gotlibovski)
“An Institutional Theory of Public Contracts”
**Please note that this date falls on a Thursday.
*** Please note that this date falls on a Wednesday.
Seminar organized by Professor Francesca Mazzolari.
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Spring 2007
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, 2-3.20pm*
“The Impact of Cost Shocks on California Hospitals: A Differential Diagnosis”
“The Dynamics of Low-Skill Labor Outcomes: An Analysis at the Local Labor Market Level”
“Spatial Mismatch or Racial Mismatch?”
“Distributional Impacts of the Self-Sufficiency Project”(with J. Gelbach and H. Hoynes)
“Biology, Stress and the Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Status”
“On the Extensions of Maternity Leaves: Does it Increase Breastfeeding-and Does that Affect Health?”(with M. Baker)
“The Effects of Industrialization on Children: Evidence from Mexico, Indonesia, and China”
“Head Start and Health”
“Comparative Advantages and Gains from Immigration”
“Teachers and the Gender Gaps in Student Achievement”
*(Unless otherwise indicated.)
**Please note that this date falls on a Wednesday. Seminar organized by Professor Francesca Mazzolari.
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Winter 2007
Social Science Plaza Rm. SSPB 3266, 2-3.20pm*
“The Impact of Amnesty of Labor Market Outcomes: A Panel Study Using the Legalized Population Survey”
“The Ins and Outs of Cyclical Unemployment,” (with M. Elsby and R. Michaels)
“Private Ownership and the Development of Transport Systems: Cross Country Evidence from the Diffusion of Railroads during the 19th Century.”
“The Happiness Gains From Sorting and Matching in the Labor Market,” (with S. Luechinger and A. Stutzer)
“Salience and Taxation”(with A.Looney and K. Kroft)
*(Unless otherwise indicated.)
**Please note that this date falls on a Wednesday. Seminar organized by Professor Francesca Mazzolari.
Applied Microeconomics Seminar, Fall 2006
Social Science Plaza A
Rm. 2112, 2-3.20pm
"R&D and Productivity: The Knowledge Capital Model Revisited," (with J. Jaumandreu)
"Peers at Work," (with A. Mas)
"Intended and Unintended Consequences of Bicycle Helmet Laws"
"Is Roy Dead? Evidence on Migrant Selection from International Data"
SSPA 2112
"Simulating an Equilibrium Model of Power Plant Investments: A Tool to Address a Multi-Billion Dollar Question?"
EG 3161
"Understanding Preferences for Recycling Electronic Waste in California: A contingent Ranking Study"
"The Impact of Minimum Quality Standards on Firm Entry, Exit and Product Quality: The Case of the Child Care Market," (with M. Xiao)"
“The Health Impacts of Climate Change in the U.S. Evidence from Annual Fluctuations in Weather and Mortality”
To be rescheduled next year.
*(Unless otherwise indicated.)
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